Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tomatoes - harvest soon ?

The fruits are growing - adding volume and weight ever so slowly.. its amazing how nature works, ...in small steps and with a mind of its own, you never know when a node will form, where a flower will grow. Its just amazing to know all these happened from a teeny little seed. wow !

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tomato - First fruits

The First fruits of tomatoes are showing up in few of the plants..

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


The plant, flowers, and finally the pods!. First harvest in the garden of tasty okras, ready to move into the kitchen and quickly into the palate.

The tomatos are flowering.. veggie flowers are beautiful too!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Okra Flower

There was a couple days worth of good rain, surprise for this time of the year. It did help in bringing down the hot temperature, and this constant watering made the plants grow a bit quicker.

The Okra flower in bloom.

The Single Row roof garden, getting greener. The Tomato plants are growing in full flow. Need to plan for some sort of support for the tomatoes.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


A watched pot never boils. but it is hardly possible not to keep watching at the lovely seedlings (should I call them plants now?). Here are some in the pots. growing all the time.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Moving tomatos into paper pots

Following the instructions on the earlier post, I made some paper pots. They came out pretty good. They do have a solid bottom, making me wonder how long will it take to decompose.

Earlier I moved a few seedlings into the final clay pots directly. I have them on the rooftop now, in the shadow. Even then during the day, it gets pretty hot, and I am not sure if these will holdup to the heat.

While I am not sure about this, the seedlings in the original starter containers are now large enough to have a place of their own. I decided to use the paper pots that I made. I have moved about ten of them now. I have a dozen more seedlings.

planning to do that tommorrow.

Alright. It took me more than a day to patiently fill the paper pots and move the tomato seedlings one by one. I didn't realize that I had sown quite a plenty in each of the containers, and there was a mini bush in each one fo those.

most of the seedlings came out pretty well, so I had to accomodate as much as I can.
The difficult part was to untangle the roots of the many seedlings which had grown together.

After I moved all I could, I was still left with half a dozen seedlings, which I had to discard. Yet my count of tomato seedlings is now a whopping 29 !!

They are all in the roof now, braving the sun during the day, and the dew at night.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Tomato, The Queen of the Garden

There is very little cooking in South India without Tomatoes. The ever tasty Tomato Rasam is to be tasted to be believed. Since Tomatoes are common ingrediants, they can be happily consumed as much as we grow. So Tomato was the choice after Okra.

Again, I prepared the starting containers about half a dozen, sowed a pinch of seeds in each of them. Little did I realize that a small pinch contained about three to four seeds! and all of them grew! The seeds germinated in aournd four days. It was a joy to see tiny little baby leaves showing thier heads above the soil. soon the containers became crowded. I continued sprinkling water twice daily, I moved the containers from shade to sunlight, a place sun light falls for about four hours.

The true leaves came out in the second week. The tomato seedlings which looked a lot fragile, survived! They braved the rains and the sun, and are now ready to be transplanted. There are a little over a dozen seedlings. I thought of separating the seedlings into individual peat pots, that I have started to make, but the seedlings look ready enough to plant them in the larger clay pots.

This week I plan to expand the garden by adding a dozen clay pots and plant the tomato seedlings.