Monday, February 18, 2008

Make your Own Peat Pot

When you get started on a garden with some seriousness, you want to get your plants started from the seed. so you got to have some sort of a nursery going. I found this neat idea on how we can make our own starting pots, the coolest thing is you can plant them directly, resulting in no transplant stress for the plant.

Source of the article

If anyone is interested, you can make your own little starting pots out of newspaper. The newspaper breaksdown like a peat pot. What you will need to make the little pots: Newspaper- use only the black and white pages not anyof the pages with color. Tomato Paste or any can size that is similar Small bottle of glue (non-toxic) or you could use aflour and water paste. Start by cutting the newspaper into three longsections, going from top to bottom. They should beabout equal size. Now take a strip and wind it aroundthe can just below the lip edge of the can. Wrap itsnug but not so tight as to where the paper will notslide off the can. There should be an overhang ofpaper at the other end of the can. We will deal withthat in a minuet. Dab a small amount of glue to theoutside edge where you finished off your strip ofpaper and attach another strip and finish off with alittle bit of glue to hold the paper down, a tiny bitwill work with a little pressure. Make sure that thetube you just made will slide off the can but don’tpull it off just yet. Fold the overhanging paper flatagainst the bottom of the can, like you fold the endof a package, but use only three folds if you can, dabwith a bit of glue so it will stay closed and slide itoff the can. Walla! You should have what looks like alittle newspaper tube, with one end closed, now,repeat the process until you have as many as you need.When I fill up these containers I usually sit themnext to each other to help keep them all upright. AndI set them in a container like a plastic shoebox or anempty meat container. They will hold up until you getyour new seedlings into the ground. They can be popped right into the ground as thenewspaper will breakdown as long as it is covered withdirt. Enjoy! Julia

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